… aber MCA ist tot. Keith Flint ist tot. Sebastian Hackert ist tot. Und jetzt ist auch noch einer meiner Lieblingsmoderatoren bei FM4 gestorben: Martin Blumenau. Er bleibt mir vor allem als Moderator der Wunschsendung FM4 Zimmerservice in Erinnerung. Er hatte da diesen gewissen Wiener Schmäh. (Zumindest erschien einen außenstehenden Piefke wie mir das so.) …
Author Archives: michael
DNA replication lifehack [en]
I’ve recently posted about these talks on “DNA: The Code of Life” that I found. I really enjoyed them, even though most of the contents were not fundamentally new to me. However, I want to highlight one specific topic that I did learn, and that kinda blew my mind… I had not even been aware …
Biting my style [en]
So I’m working at a huge software company and in my department we have this nice tradition of lunch-talks. The company buys pizza and we all eat it, while one hungry person gives ~1h talk. (Well, that was before the pandemic, now everything is remote and we have to fend for ourselves.) Most of the …
It’s been a while [en]
My last post here has been over 4 years ago. I’ve really neglected this blog. Let’s see, if I can change that… Part of the problem was the rotten technology underneath. Even apart from WordPress. It was running on some weird virtual server at a local hosting provider. Weird, because it was neither full virtualization …
The xkcd guy nails it again [en]
This time, at the intersection of computer science (my occupation) and biology (my hobby): According to Randall, we’re still 2 years ahead of the hype cycle. Anyone willing to join me in switching to CRISPR/Cas9 by then? Update: Thinking about it, told you so.
April, April [de]
“Die Infrastrukturapokalypse geht weiter:” Leider ist selbst diese Notfallseite komplett unzuverlässig. (Daher auch kein besserer Deep-Link an dieser Stelle.) Meist bekommt man statt dessen nur zufällige Textschnipsel zu sehen. Befürchte fast, die Seite macht es nicht mehr lang über den 1. April hinaus.
So it has come to this… [en]
… I’m posting food recipes now. Next up is random pics of my food. Well, I have a couple of nice recipes lying around in text-files on my computer. This is my way of putting them in the cloud. Mostly for looking them up from anywhere. But I’m also willing to share;) So maybe there …
Thai Pumpkin Soup [en]
2 Onions 2 tbsp Olive Oil 2 tbsp Green Curry Paste 4 cups Vegetable Stock 2 Carrots 1 kg Pumpkin (peeled and seeded) 2 Kumara (a.k.a. sweet potato) 400 ml Coconut Cream 1 tbsp Soy Sauce Coriander Leaves Instructions Chop and sauté onions using olive oil. Add curry paste, boil and stir for 2-3 minutes. …
The weather in Tunisia [en]
So I’ve spent waiting for wind on the island of Djerba, Tunisia, for almost one week to no avail. (With one exception yesterday, that is, when I finally got the opportunity to go kite-surfing. For about 30 mins.) All forecasts for today looked equally bleak: around 5 knots in the early morning, afterwards nothing for …
Postcard from Sri Lanka [en]
Never was a big fan of paper postcards, let alone Facebook postings. Hence, I’m going to dump random travel impressions here instead. Alongside some generic pics. And shout-outs to all my friends! Here goes… Firstly, getting around can get exciting in itself in Sri Lanka. The way of right always belongs to the vehicle with …