Morocco — Surfing the Land of Rights [en]

Just returned from one of my yearly surf-trips, this time revisiting Morocco. Here is some old pics, from when I visited there back in 2011: Unlike last year in Iberia or the year before that in Zanzibar, I only had four weeks. So I wanted to do less sight-seeing and traveling, and focus more on …

Iberia Surf Diary [en]

With a short stopover in France, I’ve been traveling through Spain and Portugal from mid-September to late October. Main objective was to get to know surf-spots along the Atlantic coast and surf as much as possible. Here I’ve collected my surfing experiences. Mostly to learn from it for future endeavors. E.g. what spots and what …

Postcard from Sri Lanka [en]

Never was a big fan of paper postcards, let alone Facebook postings. Hence, I’m going to dump random travel impressions here instead. Alongside some generic pics. And shout-outs to all my friends! Here goes… Firstly, getting around can get exciting in itself in Sri Lanka. The way of right always belongs to the vehicle with …

Tobi’s Season-Edit [en]

Tobi was mentioned here before, and now he’s just published his season-edit for 2012: Check it out! You’ll be amazed how many sports he’s skilled at! Other folks don’t even have that kind of action on their X-Box. Of course Tobi’s been focusing on skiing for a long time. So check out that part (roughly …

Von Lissabon nach Tarifa [en]

Hier nun endlich ein kleiner Reisebericht über meinen letzten Urlaub, auf der iberischen Halbinsel. Nach einem Flug nach Faro (Portugal) waren wir 3 Wochen lang zu zweit im Mietwagen unterwegs. Wir fuhren direkt hoch in die Gegend von Lissabon, um dann langsam die Küste entlang zu reisen, bis nach Tarifa (Spanien.) Sintra Unsere ersten Urlaubstage …