I Feel Hate [en]

Danke Donna! Und danke Giorgio! Schad’ ist’s. Sehr viel weniger Dank hingegen an die GEMA und die GEZ: Gesehen im Podcast der Tagesschau — einem der wenigen Gründe, die mich noch dazu bewegen ehrlich meine GEZ-Gebühren zu bezahlen. Statt aber auch Internetnutzern adäquate Inhalte zu bieten, halten es ARD und ZDF wohl für sinnvoller mich mit …

Sacral Architecture [en]

Admittedly, religion can be good for something. What I enjoy most, is some of the architecture it left behind. As for Christianity, some of their buildings even prove useful for skiing: Shout-out to the rider and the photo team! I think I know who you guys are;) Btw, found this on Facebook, with no copyright …

Getting Old in Other Fields [en]

I notice that a most of my recent (!) posts are related to atheism and similar. Didn’t I study computer science and software engineering? Does that mean I’m getting old? As seen on SMBC Hm, I have to post some more on computing in the future. That’s serious stuff, but I can still pull it …

New Rule: Germany Needs a TV-Show Like Bill Maher’s [en]

Germany has never been as renown for good comedy or politics, as it was for bureaucracy, luxury cars, or invading Poland. Needless to say that political TV shows here are pretty repetitive and uncontroversial. I have to admit that I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I’m always bored to death when I get …

Open Letter to the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society at London School of Economics [en]

Subject: Your controversy with the LSE Students’ Union Dear Members of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society, I’m writing to support and encourage you in your struggle with the LSE Students’ Union, which apparently originated around your endorsement  of a Jesus and Mo cartoon on Facebook. Actually, to me it seems the conflict only arose …