It’s been a while [en]

My last post here has been over 4 years ago. I’ve really neglected this blog. Let’s see, if I can change that… Part of the problem was the rotten technology underneath. Even apart from WordPress. It was running on some weird virtual server at a local hosting provider. Weird, because it was neither full virtualization …

OpenSSL CLI-Cheat-Sheet [en]

The OpenSSL library is utilized by a wide range of other open-source projects, like web-servers, mail-servers, VPN-servers, etc. When dealing with such software and SSL, it often proves useful to be familiar with the openssl command-line tools. Of course, OpenSSL does have great man-pages, and a quick web-search reveals plenty of usage examples. However, OpenSSL …

Ubuntu Full-Disk-Encryption – A Field Report [en]

Since my old notebook computer recently gave up on me, I had to install a new one from scratch. I finally decided to give Ubuntu a go, after I had been using Debian (testing) for almost a decade. I must say that I’m really impressed with Ubuntu’s lean installation process, which handles diverse aspects like …

29C3 Talk: Certificate Authority Collapse [en]

Just watching axelarnbak‘s 29C3 talk on Certificate Authority Collapse, which covers structural flaws in SSL. I’ve reported on the mess with SSL before, and you may notice related complications (see CAcert) while browsing this page. After a good summary, the talk mainly focuses on structural problems and regulatory solution approaches. But apparently there are other …

SSL Seriously? [Update] [en]

I just ordered a muilti-domain SSL-certificate for 3 of the websites that are run by my company. It’s a simple domain-validated certificate, so they sent me a validation e-mail to the webmaster address of the domain. Yes, you heard right! I’m saying the domain, cause they only bothered to validate one of the three Domains …