… to belief that A/T/C/G fundamentally differs from 0/1.
Author Archives: michael
Esoterik ist … [de]
… wenn man glaubt, A/T/C/G sei etwas fundamental anderes als 0/1.
.tax me! [de]
Wer hätte gedacht, dass in der Finanzverwaltung jemand mit einem Fünkchen Witz sitzt? Ich habe mich gerade für Elster-Online registriert, und habe mich doch einigermaßen über die Datei-Endungen gefreut, die sie dort durchgehend in Ihren URL-Pfaden verwenden. Hier z.B.: https://www.elsteronline.de/eportal/eop/auth/Registrierung.tax Und, dass die Leute dort überhaupt genug Englisch beherrschen? Das ist schon mal einen Oettinger …
Turbo!!! [en]
Here’s some footage of our recent kite-trip to the Netherlands: The extra Step (electrical motion!) from David Kullack on Vimeo. … well, all the action shots feature Tobi or Ranja – I guess I still need to practice a lot;)
Meetings — who doesn’t love them? [en]
… and I do think it’s particularly tough for engineers: I’m lucky enough to work at a company, where most folks are not complete morons. It’s sometimes slightly worse with our business partners though. Anyhow, I can feel for that guy. Stumbled upon through a fb-post by DerKalle.
Allvais wis ze Görmaans: Edward Snowden Edition [en]
So the NDR (a branch of Germany’s public broadcasting service ARD) got to interview Edward Snowden — exclusive stuff apparently. And whom do they send to talk to him? Some nitwit called Hubert Seipel, whose English sounds like a combination of the Simpsons’ Rainier Wolfcastle and Bond-villain Maximilian Largo. I don’t know much about that …
Continue reading “Allvais wis ze Görmaans: Edward Snowden Edition [en]“
Savage [en]
I’m more and more becoming a fan of Dan Savage. He’s one of these guys, who constantly manage to point out the nuisance of religion, without being a total dick about it. That may be, because instead of just weighing in on abstract, philosophical questions, he actually does something good for society. He’s an LGBT …
Strč prst skrz krk [de]
Beim neuen Lesekompetenztest für Erwachsene der Titanic scheinen Tschechen ja eindeutig im Vorteil zu sein. Trotzdem würde man der OECD gerne auch auf Deutsch sagen: “Steck dir den Finger durch den Hals”, und was auch immer “grmpf” bedeutet.
On Gay Horses [en]
The following has been said by Rowan Atkinson over a year ago. It is concerned with specific piece of legislation over in Britain, but its approach to freedom of speech is a far more general one: Just in case anyone wonders about the piece from Not the Nine O’Clock News that is mentioned: Constable Savage …
Here comes Gentrification [en]
Just stumbled upon an old NY-Times article about good old Glockenbachviertel in Munich. The article is from 2006, and I must say that the foreign autor grasped the essence of this quarter quite well. Of course, things have changed since back then. Cool places have moved away (X-cess) or even shut down completely (KuK). Others, …