Bobr Kurva [en]

I’m using the Czech spelling here, rather than the more common Polish Bóbr Kurwa — meaning (nsfw) and pronunciation are much the same anyway. It’s just because this has happened in Czechia recently: V okolí Padrťských rybníků v chráněné krajinné oblasti Brdy postavil bobr hned několik hrází a vytvořil tak přírodní mokřad. Právě takový chtěla …

Tanzania Safari [en]

Ok, I’ve posted way too much about Climbing Kilimanjaro recently. My next tourist activity was a Safari, but let’s make this one shorter and focus on the photos. Fun facts: Safari originally means voyage in Kiswahili. Simba means lion. Hakuna matata roughly means no worries. Being driven around in a vehicle all day and staring …

Perspective [en]

I love how science puts things in perspective: The earth is a microbial planet, on which macroorganisms are recent additions—highly interesting and extremely complex in ways that most microbes aren’t, but in the final analysis relatively unimportant in a global context. […] Microbial life on this planet would remain largely unchanged were all plant and …

xkcd on Arsenic-Based Life [en]

I’ve enjoyed reading the strips at xkcd for a couple of years now. Today’s comic is a great proof of how quickly xkcd picks up current scientific (and social) topics: This of course refers to the recent Science Magazine article entitled A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus (PDF). Apparently this …