Admittedly, religion can be good for something. What I enjoy most, is some of the architecture it left behind. As for Christianity, some of their buildings even prove useful for skiing: Shout-out to the rider and the photo team! I think I know who you guys are;) Btw, found this on Facebook, with no copyright …
Category Archives: Atheism
Respect [en]
Recently, friends have brought to my attention that I tend to be rather annoying at times, with respect to stating my views on religion. In particular, that I like to bring up related issues in conversation and to stick to the ensuing discussion persistently. They also point out that I can be quite upfront about …
Science, Probability, Religion [en]
That’s a nice one from the Why-I-am-an-atheist series over at Pharyngula: I am a religious agnostic because of science, an atheist because of probability, and an anti-theist because of religion.
Open Letter to the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society at London School of Economics [en]
Subject: Your controversy with the LSE Students’ Union Dear Members of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society, I’m writing to support and encourage you in your struggle with the LSE Students’ Union, which apparently originated around your endorsement of a Jesus and Mo cartoon on Facebook. Actually, to me it seems the conflict only arose …